About Us

During the week, I’m a doctor and a professor at a medical school - pulmonary and environmental medicine - and I see way too many men and women who are sick. Come Saturday, my garden is my escape, my chance to set all that aside. Except that gardens have their own environmental risks - ticks. I take precautions - I take time to put on long pants, socks over my pants, long sleeve shirts, gloves. I shower immediately after gardening, and I do repeated tick checks. And yet I’ve had Lyme disease four times. My son and my husband have both had the disease. Just about every person I know who works outdoors, professional or amateur gardeners, has been ill, many a lot sicker than I was.

My friend is an avid gardener. It’s her life passion. Her garden has a winding path through native plants - her “path of procrastination – or enlightenment.” And she wants people to enjoy, not fear, the magic of her garden. We gardeners need protection.

After years of looking for the right gear and not finding it, I set out to create TheTickSuit. I worked with Stateless Fashion Design and Consulting to make it a reality. Made in USA, we’ve tried to source the best material using sustainable practices when we can. It’s been quite a learning experience, but now we’re ready to garden again and we hope you will be too.